In this episode of The Heartbreak Kids we feature another one of The Trini Foundation scholarship students, Sarah Nelson.
Sarah has been coming to yoga for about 8 months now. When she applied for a scholarship, I remember reading the application and thinking to myself “this is the type of person we are looking for.” Her answers were honest and down to earth. She needed help getting and staying in recovery.
One of the biggest rewards as a teacher is to watch students grow. Sarah has grown in front of my eyes. Sobriety comes one day at a time, and Sarah shows up to class every day with a smile and drive. She is working hard to stay sober and it’s evident her practice supports her sobriety. Even after only practicing for a short while, she has made a big impact at Ashtanga Yoga Columbus. She has made herself a home here at AYC and has found her tribe. She is an example of how important it is to find community in recovery. I am proud to call Sarah my student and hope her story inspires others to find their path towards recovery – whatever that looks like.