Santina’s former narrative of substance abuse, eating disorders and childhood sexual abuse, has been abandoned for one of embodied awareness and understanding through the real and full-bodied study of yoga as a living practice. San’s practice embodies the Ashtanga Yoga system, and she has diligently completed the Primary, 2nd and 3rd series under the guidance of Mark Togni. Santina first travelled to Mysore, South India in 2014 and commenced tutelage under R. Sharath Jois. In 2016, Santina was granted Level II Authorisation to teach Ashtanga Yoga, by her teacher R. Sharath Jois.
As Santina’s teacher, R. Sharath Jois, says “Yoga is a spiritual practice;” so through devotion, determination and tender endurance with each asana, San has developed an intimacy with our human form. San’s commitment to a life of inner process, practice and courage prepares rich soil from which meaningful guidance can be delivered. Santina augments her yoga teaching with her work as a therapist, holding a Masters of Gestalt Therapy — A humanistic therapy focusing on sharpening an individual’s awareness of emotions and behaviours in their experience of themselves in the present moment, to reveal what really “is” shielding one’s relationship to the world.
Santina teachers Ashtanga Yoga workshops and retreats around the world with a penetrative focus on the “inner work” and the internal processes of consciousness.
Santina taught champion pro surfer Mick Fanning for many years and as work with many elite athletes.
Santina holds degrees in Law/Arts from the University of Melbourne as well as a Masters of Gestalt Therapy, and is a Certified Clear Beliefs Coach. Santina was given her Level 2 Authorisation to teach Ashtanga Yoga by in 2016.