Sharon Hartman

The Heartbreak Kids: Season 2.11

Today we welcome Sharon Hartman to the show.

Sharon has been in recovery from drugs and alcohol since 2006. She became interested in yoga as a compliment to her treatment of chronic Lyme disease in 2012, and she quickly found Ashtanga. Through exposure to different authorized teachers, she became curious about the philosophy of living that Ashtanga suggests. She began to see many parallels in the wisdom of Ashtanga and 12 step recovery. It was a huge “godincidence,” or synchronicity that she met Taylor in 2015 and has been practicing with him as her teacher ever since. Her life purpose is sharing the message of twelve step recovery, and she often introduces Ashtanga as a part of the 11th step exploration she guides women through to find their own path of spirituality. She teaches Ashtanga in Tallahassee, Florida at Hot Yoga Tallahassee and tries to encourage anyone in their journey to becoming better humans and giving back. She is currently interested in the concept of neuroplasticity and how yoga can retrain deep patterns of activation within the central nervous system that are often put in place by trauma. Although her focus is aiding others in their recovery from drugs, eating disorders, and chronic health problems – she believes we’re all recovering from thought and behavior patterns that hold us back from our true potential.

Heartbreak Kids Season 2
Heartbreak Kids Season 2
Sharon Hartman

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